Releasing RPOs
Homeowners, brokers and real estate agents are encouraged to contact the Real Estate Office to discuss Dartmouth's potential interest prior to placing the house on the market. In most cases, Dartmouth will be able to indicate whether it would:
- Consent to a permanent release of the RPO
- Consent to a transfer of the property subject to receiving a similar RPO from the new buyer
- Be interested in negotiating a potential purchase before the homeowner's receipt of a bona fide offer
In a limited number of cases, Dartmouth will indicate that it has potential interest in purchasing the property, but that it will need to postpone any more formal response until the homeowner has a bona fide offer.
Approximately 200 RPOs have been permanently released (i.e., no new RPO from the new buyer) since 1995. Many of these were included in blanket releases covering multiple properties in the Haskins Road and Dresden Road area; others were released by individual action.